There are two main types of Jacksonville and Live Oak, FL, dentists to determine which works best for you but any version of dentures can benefit the wearer by replacing missing teeth and giving both renewed appearance as well as functionality.
: full and partial. Your individual dental needs will ultimately help ourHere’s what you should know about dentures below.
Full or Partial: Who Needs What?
If you’re looking into getting dentures for yourself, you’ll have to wrestle with the terms mentioned above: “full” and “partial”. But what do those mean exactly? Well, for starters, full dentures are ideal for patients who have lost and or recently had all remaining natural teeth removed. Tooth extraction may be due to gum disease, injury, or other deep-set decay.
Partial dentures are a bit different in that they are mainly suitable for instances where only a few teeth are missing. A partial fits into place wherever you need it to and effectively keeps surrounding teeth from moving or shifting while also restoring how your smile looks. Both full and partial dentures can be taken out but because of this, need to be taken care of properly to prevent cracking or warping.
Our dentists will review your dental history and conduct an oral exam in order to come to a final conclusion about a denture choice for your smile.
How Dentures Are Made
Generally, you can expect for the entire dentures process to take a few weeks with it being slightly quicker if you only require a partial denture. Our dentists will ask that you come in for a consultation regardless of the type so we can take impressions and any measurements of your upper or lower jaws.
For full dentures, we’ll need to take note of how the jaws interact with each other and the amount of space that’s between them. The next step will be to create necessary models or forms that show how the final denture will look in terms of shape and position. We’ll have you work with these “prototypes” a bit so we can nail down the color, shape, and fit before anything final is created.
Once all looks good, we’ll send everything over to a dental lab where the real version can be fabricated. At this point, you’ll return to one of our offices and receive your completed full or partial dentures and we’ll make any last minute adjustments as needed.
Give Us a Call Today
Our request an appointment, call one of our Higgins & White Dentistry locations today.
, choose to offer dentures to patients as not everyone is on board with or able to get dental implants. Fortunately, this tooth replacement option is useful and effective in its own right. To